Why Habits Are Hard to Change & What To Do About It

It's been ages since I've posted a blog. I decided to take a sabbatical for a time after being laid off from my full-time coaching position in the fall and with the big change in my life since my daughter moved out of the house and into the dorms on her college campus.

Other big shifts since the summer/fall of 2022: we traveled for the first time since 2020, renovated and repaired the house we are living in now, moved, prepared our old home to put on the market, and we're 🀞🏽 hopefully about to sell it!

With such huge transitions in my life, I've needed to take some time to reconsider life and work and what's next.

And while it's never 100% clear, I am sure of one thing and it's that I know I want to FINALLY give this business idea a real shot. So a few weeks ago, I formally formed my new heart-based business, Health on Your Terms, LLC. And I've been busily working to lay the foundations.

More to come about what's next and what I'll be offering! But for now, I'm super proud to share the first video I created.

This video is geared towards anyone who is wanting to make a change in their daily life and routine to better support their physical health or mental well-being.

Why Habits are Hard to Change and What Do About It

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I'm Jayne Anne

As a board certified health coach, I have 5 years of experience working with those who feel stuck to gain clarity and perspective when they can’t see the way forward. Borrowing tools from both ancient and modern practices such as mindfulness and self-compassion, I support the people I work with in creating the mindset shifts that lead to your ability to take aligned action again. I derive a lot of joy from supporting others in healing from the inside out through my coaching business, Health on Your Terms. I also value courage, kindness, charisma, and compassion. And I'm an empty nester, an INFJ, a long-time meditator, and lover of nature, poetry, and all things spiritual.

To learn more about my 1:1 support, click here.


A Simple Morning Habit to Have a Positive Day


Before I write