Food is taking up too much of your headspace.

If you just weren’t thinking about food/your body all the damn time, it would take a HUGE load off your shoulders and free up so much brain space!

Hi, I’m Jayne Anne. I’m glad you’re here!

I understand if you may have struggled with your relationship with food, your body, and weight for basically all of your life. 

I’m Jayne Anne Ammar, and I support women who struggle with binge or emotional eating to understand the underlying causes and to listen to their bodies.

I know you’ve tried ALL of the things - working with naturopaths and functional medicine doctors to identify food intolerances, working with dieticians and counting calories, nutritionists, working out at different gyms, and doing research around keto, intermittent fasting, paleo, etc. You’ve done therapy, Weight Watchers, lots of diets on your own, tried weight loss pills, hypnosis, etc. 

Nothing has helped because it all led to you feeling deprived and like it’s your fault that you can’t stick to an eating plan or a lifestyle change.

Or maybe you’ve never worked with anyone about emotional or binge eating yet, because you realize the shift for this isn’t necessarily another food plan and requires a deeper approach to uncover the underlying causes.

I’ve been where you are, too.

I spent years since I was a child restricting my eating for diet and fitness reasons and then later for my “health.” I went on so many restrictive food plans and healing protocols, trying desperately to use food “as medicine” to cure my autoimmune disease. I also secretly wished cutting out foods would help me lose weight. 

So it was only more frustrating when I realized that after a period of not eating a certain food (like dairy or sugar), I would almost always go back to it, and I felt like a failure for not being able to maintain it. It drove me crazy that I was so weird around food, and then I would eventually end up binge-eating whatever I had eliminated. I wasn’t convinced the healing protocols were necessary, but I didn’t know what else to do. My health issues and desire to “treat” them with food are what initially drove me to train as a Functional Medicine Health Coach.

Then I tried moderation and creating healthy sustainable habits around eating mostly nutrient-dense food, which helped a little with the crazy around food feeling, but not all the way. By this time, I was working full-time in the wellness industry.

But when I tried Intuitive Eating, I finally found the missing piece.

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive eating is an evidence-based self-care eating framework that integrates instinct, emotion, and rational thought. 

And it felt radical, and out of alignment with the common advice you hear everywhere that’s intended to help us conform to societal norms around what a woman’s body “should” look like.

It turns out there’s a science around why eliminating foods makes them all the more seductive (restraint theory)! And how psychologically restricting food causes us to be more likely to binge and have a more obsessive relationship with food. And how behaviors we use like these to try to intentionally lose weight backfire.

More than 200 studies support using the Intuitive Eating framework as a path to well-being on ALL levels - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Are you interested in an alternative approach to transform your relationship with food and your body?

Both emotional and binge eating stem from so many factors. What I’ve created is a mixture of compassionate inquiry, listening, exploration, experimentation, and well-chosen action steps. 

I offer a non-diet, weight-neutral approach designed to help you reach your goals and have an empowered relationship with food. We work together to uncover the underlying causes for you specifically, re-learning how to listen to your body, and practicing self-compassion. 

Why work with me 1:1?

I took the leap from my safe non-profit fundraising job to professional coaching full-time in 2019. I was lucky to get to learn how to coach and hone my skills while working for multiple start-ups in the physical and mental health space.

I have my undergrad degree in Education & English. I am a National Board Certified Health Coach, a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, and a soon-to-be Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor (officially to be completed in May 2024).

This means that you’re in good hands with someone who is a:

  • compassionate listener, skilled at “presence” and creating a safe space for hard emotions

  • an expert in behavior change, understanding where people are coming from, and spotting what needs to be faced to help people move forward

  • trained in evidence-based techniques to support mental and emotional health

Let me share what life is like on the other side …

I still have moments of being insecure about my body, but not as often or as severely, (and I know how to deal with these days). I no longer binge eat, compulsively exercise, fear certain foods, or feel crazy around food. 

I feel free and neutral around food in a way that I never could when I was a teen or even as recently as when I was still actively trying to maintain my weight when I first became a health coach. 

Most of the time, I am sensitive to my body’s signals and innate intelligence, and I deeply trust it to tell me exactly what I need and respond lovingly to it. I take pleasure in eating food that nourishes my body and my soul. I exercise regularly because I want to, and it feels good for my body.

Random facts about me

✦ I’m terrible at keeping track of my phone, and it’s an actual point of contention in my marriage.

✦ I am an INFJ, Scorpio (sun sign), Human Design Generator

✦ I enjoy reading novels and non-fiction, writing poetry, drinking a good latte, or listening to an intuitive astrology podcast.

✦ I like to spend a lot of time outdoors, gardening, or hiking - even in the Texas heat!