Food Freedom & Body Image Coaching

You’re here because you’re tired of struggling with food, weight, and your body.

  • You hate that comfort eating seems like the most "convenient" or easy way to soothe yourself (and you very well know it's very temporary relief when it even achieves that...)

  • You think about food a LOT - when you’re going to eat next or what you just ate and judge yourself for if it was healthy or not. 

  • You have fear/anxiety around eating certain foods (like gluten or dairy), or eating “too much” of them.

  • You want to lose weight or change your size or shape, or you’re terrified of gaining weight - you just wish this could be effortless.

  • You realize how much time, energy, and money you’ve spent struggling with your eating and body, and you’re questioning how much focus you want to put into trying to continue to eat and exercise to lose weight.

  • You’ve noticed how your relationship with food affects your whole life, causing you to avoid events sometimes or carry food with you.

The current norm and what you’re surrounded with is people constantly telling you that should follow their plan, weight loss is simple, it’s just not easy, and sharing never-ending (and often conflicting) nutrition and exercise advice. And you’ve followed others’ advice for years, probably for most of your life, because this is the culture we live in.

It’s just not working

What keeps you going on this merry-go-round is that you’re not comfortable in your body and wish it were different - smaller, lighter, leaner, fitter. 

But having a consistently healthy relationship with food and your body doesn’t come from following the conventional advice to lose weight through making yet another attempt at diet and exercise.

You weren’t put on this earth with the sole intention of being the thinnest, fittest possible version of yourself. You want your energy, time, and life to be inherently more meaningful and powerful than just the pursuit of weight loss.

You’re here to live in alignment with your highest and most joyous expression. And you know that your relationship with food and your body needs to be reckoned with, fixed, healed, and tended to fulfill your potential.

If you're interested in an alternative approach to transform your relationship with food and your body, you don’t have to restrict and deprive yourself and it has nothing to do with following another food plan.

There is absolutely another way.

Reasons why you can’t stop thinking about food and your body

A huge part of why you can’t stop thinking about food and turning to food as comfort, and then feeling bad about yourself is THREE-FOLD:

✦ because you’re not eating enough or denying your BIOLOGICAL hunger - there’s no way to address emotional causes of eating when you’ve trained yourself to deny and ignore your body’s hunger

✦ because you’re not advanced (yet!) in tolerating strong emotions and you need to expand your repertoire of coping mechanisms 

✦ because you’re still craving how it feels powerful to lose weight or to maintain your weight through clean eating or restricting what you eat, to conform to societal ideals of thinness and how you think you should look.

Let me introduce you to a completely different paradigm of relating to food and your body.

I help women, like you, take a huge load off of your shoulders so you don’t have to think about your food and body all of the time.

What actually works to stop binge eating is using an Intuitive Eating and self-care approach that addresses all of these factors: the mind, body, and food.

Food Freedom & Body Image Coaching

A 3-month 1:1 coaching program designed to help you have an empowered relationship with food.

With my support, you will:

  • Understand the restrict/binge cycle in general

  • Uncover underlying causes of emotional and binge eating for you specifically

  • Identify specific triggers and practices to overcome these

    • Reduce binge/emotional eating episodes through tools like Delay, Distract, Decide

    • Honoring one’s hunger and fullness - practicing tools that help you tune into your body’s sensations that give you this information - embodied mindfulness

  •  Expanding positive coping mechanisms for stress and strong emotion

  • Go beyond the food to improve your body image and self-image

  • Increase self-compassion

Cost & Logistics



One time payment



3 monthly payments

What this includes:

  • A detailed “getting to know you” form to fill out before we begin

  • Seven 60-minute 1:1 sessions with me, meeting every other week (You’re guaranteed 7 sessions, even if it takes us longer than 3 months to complete them. This allows for us to miss weeks or take breaks due to vacations, illness, or personal reasons.)

  • Email support and feedback between sessions.

Ready to get started? I’m just one step away…

All you need to do is fill out my ‘new client questionnaire’ — this helps me get to know you a little better, understand your needs, and see whether we’re a good fit for working together.

I’ll then contact you (within 1-2 business days) to discuss next steps.